
Leading Insurers Are Choosing HONK

With the highest customer satisfaction scores in the industry, you can be sure your customers receive world-class roadside assistance backed by our AI-powered platform.

Who benefits?

Program Managers
Program Managers
Program Managers

Redefining Roadside Assistance

Lots of companies make promises. We've built the technology to follow through.
Customer Satisfaction

Our intuitive platform allows policyholders to change service details in real time, ensuring immediate updates and minimizing wait times.

Complex Policy Integration

Our AI-powered Rescue Portal enables accurate service delivery and reduces cycle times by integrating complex policy rules and regulations.

Intuitive Web Portal

Program managers and call center agents can simply place orders, verify policies, and track service statuses, ensuring efficient service request processes.

Efficient Problem Resolution

Our operations team, supported by advanced technology, intervenes when services encounter issues, maintaining the highest service quality.

Cloud-Based, White-Labeled

Our cloud-based solutions can be easily integrated via API or SDK, allowing you to embed our services within your own applications.

Low Cancellation & Gone On Arrival Rates

Efficient dispatch and service management processes minimize service cancellations and ensure timely assistance, improving overall customer experience.

What Sets Us Apart?

Highest Customer Ratings

Fastest service times, NPS 83+, CSAT 4.7

No More Black Boxes

Access to the critical data you need to make decisions

White Labeled, Cloud-Based

Our cloud technology, your unique look and feel

Brand-Defining Experiences
We understand that each and every roadside call is a brand-defining experience and our mission is to ensure that your customers get the very best service every time.
Easy-to-Use Web Portal
Our Rescue Portal allows program managers and call center agents to place orders, verify policies, and track service statuses, ensuring a smooth service request process.
Control Costs
We use extensive data to triage and address customer complaints, providing tailored white-glove support to enhance customer satisfaction.

Let's Do The Math...

NPS 83+
A key measure of customer satisfaction
Not all NPS metrics are created equally! We survey on every completed service and share every score and customer comment with our clients in real time.
CSAT 4.7
Another important measure of customer satisfaction
We factor in multiple systems as a measure of customer satisfaction, and we maintain the highest scores in the industry!
50% Faster
Compared to other roadside providers
When you're stuck on the side of the road, every second counts. We leverage machine learning to reduce wait times and optimize efficiency.

Services That Apply To This Industry

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