Fleet / Rental

Purpose-Built Solutions

Cost-effective solutions to improve efficiency, avoid delays and reduce downtime. Our Fleet/Rental Service is purpose-built to solve the problems you face every day.

Who benefits?

Program Managers
Program Managers
Program Managers

Solving Everyday Problems

Experience flexibility with our cloud-based solutions, offering customizable options for businesses of all sizes, from self-management to full-service.
Minimizing Delays

Ensure prompt service delivery and avoid delays that can cause operational disruptions and upset clients.

VIP Service Differentiation

Provide premium services for VIP clients and differentiate customer groups.

Downtime Reduction

Minimize vehicle downtime to save costs and ensure that vehicles remain operational.

Cost Efficiency

Balance service quality with cost control to maintain profitability and client satisfaction.

Speed of Dispatch

Ensure rapid dispatch, minimizing vehicle downtime - built to meet the needs of fleet and rental companies.

Vehicle Traceability

Accurate tracking and traceability of vehicles to prevent loss and ensure accountability.

What Sets Us Apart?

Highest Customer Ratings

Fastest service times, NPS 83+, CSAT 4.7

No More Black Boxes

Access to the critical data you need to make decisions

White Labeled, Cloud-Based

Our cloud technology, your unique look and feel

Custom Alerts
With integrated alerts, you can provide timely notifications for key service milestones and ensure that all stakeholders are informed of service status.
User-Friendly Integration
Our systems integrate easily with existing workflows, ensuring a simple and efficient setup process.
Cost Controls
Our cloud-based tools allow for flexible allocation of funds, ensuring money is available immediately to meet time-sensitive needs.

Let's Do The Math...

NPS 83+
A key measure of customer satisfaction
Not all NPS metrics are created equally! We survey on every completed service and share every score and customer comment with our clients in real time.
CSAT 4.7
Another important measure of customer satisfaction
We factor in multiple systems as a measure of customer satisfaction, and we maintain the highest scores in the industry!
50% Faster
Compared to other roadside providers
When you're stuck on the side of the road, every second counts. We leverage machine learning to reduce wait times and optimize efficiency.

Services That Apply To This Industry

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