Redefining Roadside Assistance

Industry-leading customer ratings, unmatched access to critical data, all from one customizable, intuitive, AI-powered platform.

Lots of companies make promises...

We’ve built the technology to follow through on ours.
540 Market St.San Francisco, CA
Last GPS check 3 min ago
Engine failure
2018 Honda Civic, Blue
Real-Time Management Portal
Advanced network controls
HONK dispatch Algorithm
Rating 4.9/5
Customer rated 5 stars
Advanced network controls
Problem solved
Solved in 45 minutes
User requests assistance in your app
Honk technology is activated
Roadside assistance arrives quickly and solves the problem efficiently


Roadside assistance

Plug into world-class roadside assistance

Roadside assistance
Roadside Assistance
Plug into the highest rated roadside assistance platform in the industry. Transparent, flexible and fully-customizable.
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Specialized vehicle services
Specialized Vehicle Services
Tailored roadside assistance for motorcycles, EVs, and RVs with advanced digital integrations.
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Accident management
Accident & Vehicle Release Management
Rapid tow truck dispatch and streamlined vehicle release using digital pathways and automation.
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Logistics management

Intuitive vehicle logistics and reimbursement processes

Vehicle Logistics
Vehicle Logistics
Efficient towing solutions for bulk vehicle movements with advanced coordination.
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Catastrophe Event Management
Catastrophe Event Management
Real-time vehicle logistics during disaster recovery, ensuring vehicles are moved efficiently to safe locations.
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Reimbursement Solutions
Reimbursement Solutions
White-labeled, digital interfaces for quick customer reimbursements and fraud prevention.
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The technology to follow through...

Drive customer loyalty and optimize costs with our intuitive, AI-driven, cloud-based tools.

Plug Into the Perfect Plan...

Level 1


Get the essentials to provide world-class roadside assistance.
Level 2

HONK Enhanced

Go above and beyond with additional roadside services.
Level 3

HONK Enterprise

Industry-leading roadside assistance, at scale.

HONK Custom

Let our expert team customize services to match your needs.
Switching to HONK was the best decision we made for our fleet.
They have truly been game-changers for our business.
Alex Martinez, Fleet Manager

Let's Get Started!

